Sir James Gray Robinson, Esq.

The World-Leading Healer And Coach

Helping You Turn Anxiety and Stress into Success

Personal Development

The world-leading healer, coach, and teacher with over 20+ years of experience dedicated to helping amazing people like yourself heal, grow, and live a fulfilling life.

My goal is to help you address the hidden reasons for your suffering and help you get what you want FAST. 

Feeling Stressed?

Is your career taking a toll on your mental well-being?

Looking for a Way Out?

Sir James Gray Robinson is a world-leading healer and coach, specializing in 28+ healing and coaching modalities. 

Why Me?

I understand your situation because I was in your shoes 20 years ago.

Book a Call

Ready to transform the career stress to radical enjoyment?”

Feeling Stressed Out?

A career can be both rewarding and stressful. Stress often manifests as persistent unease, impacting work and precious personal time. The anticipation of work starts a chain reaction of negative emotions.

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Is this your life? Every Sunday is filled with the dreadful anticipation of Monday. Frequently, it ruins your whole Sunday and perhaps the whole weekend—the weekend you had desperately anticipated would help you get through the next week. This is burnout.

If your career stress has been slowly and silently eroding your peace, success, and well-being, I can help.

Healing Starts Here

It may not feel like it now, but there is a pathway back. A pathway back to life as you envisioned it. Remember when your career was fun, engaging, and enjoyable? You can get back to that place. You can enjoy your career again.

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Even after going through the darkest time with attorney stress and burnout, you can have fun again. All you have to do is ask.

Start the Shift From Stress to Success

Having personally experienced the weight of career stress as a lawyer, I understand the challenges that come with it. Our education and professional experience often fail to equip us for these overwhelming situations. I, too, found myself trapped in this state for a long time. However, I found my way out through years of research, training, and personal growth. Today, I am privileged to assist numerous lawyers, professionals and other executives in navigating and overcoming their career stress. Here’s how I can help with my personalized one-on-one sessions:

We Talk

We will begin with a one-on-one consultation. In this one-on-one personal discussion, we will discuss your problems and break down the causes.

We Discover the Cause

Next, we will dive deep into your dilemma and trace the real cause to tackle it for good.

We Heal

After understanding the underlying subconscious mental and emotional conflicts, we will implement a customized healing strategy combining different healing modalities and coping mechanisms.

We Thrive

Then, together, we start the shift toward a healthier, happier, and more successful life.

Additional Programs

The Solution

This session helps you overcome doubts or fears that might hold you back from starting a career.

Change Your Mind Package

Want to change your life with a new perspective? I can help you tackle the block and find positive solutions.

Vision Session

Do you need help with the future direction of your life or career? Start with self-evaluation.

Blogs & Articles

The Power of “Wow”

The Power of “Wow”

One of the most magical words is "wow". We’ve all experienced moments when something unexpected catches our eye—a vibrant sunset painting the sky in stunning colors, a double rainbow, or even a simple act of kindness between strangers that tugs at our heartstrings. In...

Don’t Grow Old. Just Grow.

Don’t Grow Old. Just Grow.

As you go through life, it’s easy to fall into the habit of thinking that getting older means slowing down, settling in, and sticking to what you know. My geriatrics doctor keeps asking me when I am going to slow down.  But what if, instead of focusing on growing old,...

About Me

After 27 years of practicing law, I only knew depression, anxiety, and exhaustion. I was a highly-rated, award-winning trial attorney until stress and doubt resulted in a nervous breakdown. I found that I did not have the necessary tools or understanding to manage the pressures of a successful law practice. I was going through my second divorce. I was depressed, exhausted, and scared of change. I felt like I needed a break from my mind and my life.

In 2004, I quit the practice of law. I didn’t have a job or anyone to ask what happened. My search for tools and strategies to address stress and burnout began. With over 20 years of research and training, I now guide attorneys, professionals and other executives through their crises. I am here to be your lawyer coach, to help you be a more happy, healthy, and successful attorney!

Why Clients Love Working With James

Gray Robinson is the real deal and I highly recommend him to anyone and everyone who wants to succeed in life, law industry or not.I am extremely lucky I was able to work with him, am very grateful to him for his help, and sincerely look forward to becoming a great lawyer and Realtor because of his help. I am also in acting and that has it’s struggles too because we are literally left up to fate whenever we get work, but I know with a positive mindset and outlook, good things are headed. Words cannot thank how appreciative I am. I am excited and looking forward to the great success that is coming! So, when I pass the CA Bar this November…..I truly do have Mr.Robinson to thank.

– Sincerely, Marissa Bergado

I want to thank you Gray for quickly and easily helping me transform the regrets and stress I have been carrying for decades into bliss and joy. Our session was very thought provoking and uplifting. Your background as a practicing lawyer made you uniquely qualified to help me. If I had known it would be this easy and fun I definitely would have talked to you years ago. If anyone reading this is considering having a session with you, my advice is to run, not walk to sign up!

– Seth Kramer

Gray I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for the advice you gave me back in December. It helped me turn a very scary time into something positive and I can now say that I found a great opportunity to further my career after getting to spend a good portion of the summer at home with my wife and kids. I’m not sure how much I could have handled without the paradigm shift prompted by you. I wish you the best and continue to enjoy reading your posts and articles.

– Chris Zieglar (SC atty)

I was a judge in the Twenty-First Judicial District of North Carolina for twenty-eight years. I had a unique opportunity to see attorneys at their best as well as their worst. Frequently it was quite obvious that my fellow members of the bar were having emotional or substance abuse problems. At times I would discreetly ask if they needed assistance and other times some would approach me and ask for help.

I had an opportunity to review Mr. Robinson’s manuscript and was impressed by the thoroughness of the program. I believe that this program has the potential to improve anyone’s life, and in some cases actually save some lives.

-William B. Reingold
Chief District Court Judge (Retired)
Twenty-First Judicial District, North Carolina

Truly a Powerful Product with practical tested tools!!

-Georgena Eggleston, MA, RSCP, CRS
Trauma and Grief Recovery Expert
Author, A New Mourning: Discovering the Gifts in Grief

Don't Wait! Break Free From Stress
Enjoy Life & Career Again

Book Your Free Discovery Call Now!

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