The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Guess what? The month you plant the seed isn’t when you can eat the fruit either! To add another metaphor, the oak tree is already in the acorn! So what does this all mean for you?

We’re 1/4 through our Gregorian calendar year and basically at the start of spring. I know you may not be feeling it yet where you live but nonetheless it is on its way. I grew up in Georgia where spring is an irrepressible time of year for Nature. Tiny blossoms, buds, sprouts, all showing evidence of growth appearing after the winter.

How are you feeling heading into Spring? Did you hit the ground running in the last three months? Or did you curl up and imitate a bear as much as possible, laying low and not bothering yourself with any hustle and bustle?

Regardless of how you spent your winter months, a new season is knocking at our door. What are your plans when you open it, letting spring’s sunshine inside? You are quite literally full of fertile ideas and seeds, ones that only you can bring to life.

If you’re still planting, or even getting ready to plant, your timing is great. As the saying goes, the best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago, and the second best time is today. It is entirely natural that many of us feel like spring is the start of a new year. We spring clean, plant things, the days get longer, and our own levels of energy can increase from the darker winter months.

Wherever you are in your growth journey for this year, you’re doing Grayt! But now is the time for new planting. Too many people put things off over and over, even things that are important to them and can help them greatly in the long run. Why do we put things off in this self-sabotaging way? Let’s take a quick look at procrastination.

Do you want to know what halts imposter syndrome and procrastination in their tracks? It’s quite obvious but so many of us still avoid it. Taking action! The action doesn’t have to be grand or a huge effort, but they must be taken, even the smallest steps. This again speaks to understanding neuroplasticity and how our brains react to change.

When we procrastinate and put off things that weigh on our minds (a new workout routine, the book you’ve always wanted to write, upscaling your business, anything!). our brains get into a feedback loop of judgment and lack of willpower. Just like all neural pathways, these become deeper and more entrenched patterns. It can feel like a cloud covering the part of our brain that believes in us.

Contrarily, when we take action, no matter how small, our brain interprets the message that we are capable of change, that we are limitless, and that we can do anything we set our minds to do. In response, those neural pathways strengthen, and taking action becomes both easier and even desirable! Instead of Jesus taking the wheel, your neural pathways take the wheel!

So, what are you growing? If you’ve already been planting this year, what sprouts and new shoots are appearing? Think of how a carrot and many other things grow. You only see a little bit popping out above the soil initially, even when new life and growth are happening below the surface. Never underestimate the power of a seed! Seeds have built-in mechanisms that allow them to sense when conditions are right for germination. This is true for you too! Longer daylight hours and more sunshine in spring can boost mood and energy levels. Sunlight exposure triggers the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that contributes to feelings of happiness and well-being.

The message? You’re an excellent farmer and the conditions are right for you to start anew or push ahead with what you have already been planting! Trust the process and stay on this journey of growth with me. Life is always “lifing” and passing time regardless of what each of us is doing. But remember, there is no such thing as standing still. We’re either moving forward or slowly but surely falling behind.

Want to know a fun fact about spring? During this time, some flowers have evolved to produce a special type of nectar that can change color in response to different environmental conditions, such as temperature or humidity. This phenomenon, known as “fluorescent nectar,” is not only fascinating but also helps attract specific pollinators to ensure successful reproduction.

The phenomenon of fluorescent nectar shows us how the beauty of blooming flowers during this season can also remind us of all of the dreams waiting to be unleashed in each of our personal worlds.

What kind of “fluorescent nectar” are you creating? What and who do you want to come pollinate your proverbial crops to make them flourish as you intend? Who do you want to connect with and what are you working to create? Seize the natural opportunities that this time of year provides us and get to planting! And sprouting!

As always, I am here to be of service to you in your process of growth and change. Visit me at: and be on the lookout for my new documentary, coming on Amazon soon, which can help you skyrocket all that you are planting and planning.