One of the most magical words is “wow”.

We’ve all experienced moments when something unexpected catches our eye—a vibrant sunset painting the sky in stunning colors, a double rainbow, or even a simple act of kindness between strangers that tugs at our heartstrings. In those instances, you’re experiencing the power of “wow.”

“Wow” is a magical word because it embodies the purest form of presence. It doesn’t require analysis or logic; it demands only that you feel. It’s an expression that comes from deep within, often surprising even you. It can remind you that, no matter how much you know or how long you’ve been on this planet, life still has the power to catch you off guard, in good ways.

“Wow” can be an invitation to reconnect with your sense of wonder, a quality often buried under the weight of everyday routine. When you allow yourself to experience a “wow” moment, you give your mind permission to be curious again, and to rediscover something you enjoy, even in the ordinary. You’re reminded that the world, with all its hard moments and collective sighs, holds many moments of wonder if you’re open to them. If you don’t believe this, follow a three year old on a country walk in the rain and listen to all of the things that they find “wonder”ful. As adults, many of us have forgotten about “wow” experiences, but that doesn’t mean there are any less once you start looking for them again.

The beauty of “wow” is that it doesn’t discriminate between the grand and the subtle. You can feel it when you’re standing before the vastness of the ocean, or just as easily when a tiny chameleon shows off its ability to wildly change colors. It’s the childlike wonder that lives within you, ready to surface whenever you pause to notice what is around you through a different lens.

When was the last time you let yourself be in awe? Often, in the rush to achieve, to plan, or to solve, you forget to look for the moments that deserve a “wow.” But those moments are there, waiting. As the world offers us so much information that can dysregulate your nervous system, I invite you to seek out more reasons to say “wow.” You start to see beauty in things you once overlooked—the way sunlight filters through leaves, the taste of your favorite meal, a bug crawling by, living its short little bug life.

Adopt the feeling of “wow”, let it become one of your mantras. People think mantras have to be serious like “I create my own path and walk it with joy,” or “My commitment to myself is unbreakable.” While mantras like these can be Grayt too, they require more buy-in than many people are ready for. So try a simple “wow”. Commit to experiencing at least one “wow” a day. By doing so, you’ll find that the more you embrace the “wows” in life, the more life will find ways to wow you. Again, those neural pathways which I speak of so often can be changed, and before you know it, you’ll be experiencing more feelings of wow than you would have imagined possible, and its effects will begin to positively ripple through your life.

When you’re in awe or amazement, something remarkable happens in your brain. It’s as if the usual patterns of thought are interrupted by a flood of new sensations and perceptions. In those moments, your brain lights up in ways it doesn’t during your typical day-to-day experiences. Awe has the power to shift your mental state, activating regions of your brain associated with curiosity, attention, and wonder.

From a neuroscience perspective, being in awe stimulates the prefrontal cortex, the area responsible for higher-level thinking and self-awareness. This activation allows you to think beyond your immediate circumstances and to connect with something greater than yourself.. It helps shift your focus from your personal concerns to something much larger, offering you a break from the mental loops of daily life.

At the same time, the brain’s default mode network, which is linked to mind-wandering and self-referential thoughts, quiets down. This allows your attention to fully immerse in the experience. You’re not thinking about your to-do list, your worries, or even yourself. Instead, you’re fully present, captivated by what you’re witnessing. The reward system in your brain jumps in, releasing dopamine—the feel-good neurotransmitter—giving you a rush of pleasure and satisfaction. You feel energized, inspired, and more open to new experiences.

Awe is also known to reduce activity in the amygdala, the part of your brain that processes fear and anxiety. When this happens, you feel less stressed, more calm, and less likely to perceive things as threatening. Being in awe allows your brain to hit a kind of reset, weakening the hold of negative emotions and replacing them with a sense of peace.

On a deeper level, awe can change the way your brain sees the world going forward. After a profound experience of amazement, you’re more likely to act with kindness, generosity, and in collaboration. Your brain’s wiring shifts, making you more empathetic, more connected to others, and more aware of your contribution to the larger collective.

Awe also makes life more fun! It taps into your natural curiosity. And who doesn’t want more fun these days?! When something amazes you, it can  spark a desire to explore more and to seek out similar experiences. You’re more likely to say yes to new adventures, to try things you wouldn’t have before, and to engage with the world in a more open and creative way. This sense of exploration adds spontaneity to your life, breaking you out of the predictable patterns that can make things feel dull or repetitive. We all know how monotony can wear on us, and finding some “wow” moments can make life dynamic again, even if we cannot change our routines too much.

There’s also an emotional shift that happens when you feel awe. It has the power to lift your mood and fill you with a sense of wonder, which can make everyday tasks feel lighter and more enjoyable. Even “little” things—like taking a walk, cooking a meal, or having a conversation—can feel more meaningful and fun when you’ve been recently touched by awe. It acts as a reminder that life is filled with surprises and Graytness, even in the simplest moments.

When you experience awe, especially with others, it fosters connections, creating a shared sense of amazement that can strengthen bonds and make interactions feel more fun. It’s why we go to watch fireworks in crowds on July 4th and gather to watch street performances that blow us away. It’s why flash mobs perform around the world and why you’ll catch strangers striking up conversation while standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon. The power of wow can bring people together who may not otherwise share any common bonds.

The energy of wow can bring playfulness back into your life, something most of us need a lot more of. It reminds you not to take everything so seriously! Life can feel more vibrant, more exciting, and more fun when you let awe be a regular part of your experience. And when you feel awe, remember that it’s not just a fleeting emotional experience—it’s a full-body reset for your brain, helping you to think more expansively, feel less stressed, and connect more deeply with the world around you. Put it on your daily to-do list, and watch how your life changes. 

The quantum fields never fail to give me so much to be in awe about. My latest documentary has simplified them for you, so that you can understand more deeply how the power of “Wow” can transform your perspective and uplevel your life. Check it out at:

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